amusant en passant online

A tous les râteliers

Temps de lecture / Reading time : < 1 minute.

L’UMP, première sur les mashups Polititique-* !

Le football en bourse ? N. Sarkozy vous propose de vous exprimer sur le projet pour 2007

amusant en passant offline


Temps de lecture / Reading time : < 1 minute.

Le silence de l’agrégateur RSS pendant les matchs de coupe de la France…

amusant en passant offline


Temps de lecture / Reading time : < 1 minute.

– Vos cheveux sont différents, Xavier, vous avez fait quelque chose ?
– Non, non, ils tombent naturellement…

amusant critiques en passant online


Temps de lecture / Reading time : < 1 minute.

Non mais sérieux quoi…

Pub sur pour Pascal Obispo

amusant en passant online


Temps de lecture / Reading time : < 1 minute.

Bill Bennett: Look, it’s a debate about whether you think marriage is between a man and a woman.

Jon Stewart: I disagree, I think it’s a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish. [via mefi]

Stephen Colbert: John, there’s a simple fact here: marriage is a contract between a man and a woman. An often violated, easily broken, eminently disposable contract. Between a man and a woman. The minute we let gays and female gays…

Jon Stewart: That’s uh, that’s lesbians.

SC: Them. The minute we let them get married, you’re breaking down the last societal barrier between our world and their world.

JS: But, I think that’s the point. I think the point is that when you break down those barriers, that’s a metaphor for something positive.

SC: Look, Jon, the only reason my wife and I got married in the first place was because it was something gays couldn’t do. Our wedding was conceived entirely as a giant homosexual taunt. But now, now the vows I made to my wife seem as shallow and empty as the vows I made to my three previous wives. [ibid.]