Le mème du moment, car il en faut bien et celui-ci ne consiste pas en mettre un GIF animé qui ruine totalement un layout patiemment construit. En même temps, de ce côté, je ne peux rien dire…
Catégorie : cool
Modularisering av XHTML
« Modularisering av XHTML« , traduction suédoise de mon papier sur « La modularisation de XHTML« , par le bureau local du W3C (si j’ai bien compris). Ce n’est pas tous les jours que l’on lit sa prose dans une langue que l’on ne comprend pas 🙂
Admirez : « W3C:s viktigaste mål är att möjliggöra universell tillgång till information på nätet: för vem som helst, var som helst, när som helst, och där hänsyn tas till personliga egenskaper (språk, fysiska möjligheter, etc.). »
Negativland & U2 & Fiona Apple
Negativland Interviews U2’s The Edge : « In August of 1991, SST Records released an overpriced single by Negativland called U2, featuring snippets of U2 recordings, shocking outtakes of Casey Kasem’s American Top 40, and a mangled version of U2’s song « I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. » Shortly after the release, Island Records filed suit against Negativland and SST over copyright infringement and deceptive packaging (the cover featured the letter ‘U’ and the numeral ‘2’ in huge type). An out-of-court settlement was reached, but Island demanded repayment for its legal expenses. » [ via la blogothèque ]
Egalement, FreeFiona, via ailleurs, en l’occurence Scott Andrew, mais dont la blogothèque parle également, comme il se doit : « Fiona Apple’s first two albums Tidal and When The Pawn… are certified multiplatinum success stories. Yet her third album Extraordinary Machine sits in limbo, despite being completed in 2003. Apparently Apple’s label Sony/Epic decided not to release the album due to the high costs involved in promoting it. »
Trixie Telemetry
TrixieUpdate et TrixieTracker [ via jjg, through Mat ]
« Trixie Telemetry was created to help me take better care of my new daughter. It was first designed to keep track of her daily bottle schedule when she was about 2 months old, and was eventually expanded to include diaper and sleep tracking. »
Encore une idée de projet perso qui s’envole 😉